
オーストラリア留学・ワーホリ 準備情報

Study in Japan

公開日:2015.12.01 更新日:2016.12.15

More than 100,000 international students are currently studying at universities, junior colleges, professional schools and other educational institutions in Japan. Their number has been increasing rapidly since the 1980s

Japan is a country that has an advanced science and technology, and develops economically. And, there are originality in Japanese and the Japanese culture. However, there is a cause respectively when the culture of Japan that looks special also lives in that. In addition, it stands in the common base connected with people in the world and it is likely to be able to understand.

An advanced, special knowledge can not only be obtained by going to study to Japan but also Japanese is acquired, and the Japanese culture is understood.
In addition, My country, understanding to the language, and understanding to the world are sure to be deepened at the same time.
Such multi-cultural understanding might be able to be called new individuality of you who is going to study abroad.

The Japan going abroad to study is finished, it finds employment in the company in Japan, and there are a lot of people who find employment in the enterprise of the Japan, or the company where the relation is deep of the home country.
The success in the Japan going abroad to study is not easy. However, if everybody advances toward the purpose, it is a dream of achieving it without fail. Please realize challenge of going abroad to study doing and your dream in Japan!!

Basic Information About Japanese Visa

Japanese Ministry of Justice has many kinds of visa to issue to stay in Japan.
And the most important ones for study abroad are below;

1. Temporary Visitors Visa (90days)
This is the most popular one for short term students to study less than 90 days in Japan.
Visa Exempt Nationalities (Please see the visa exempt table) don’t need to do any visa procedures to enter Japan. This visa allows to travel in Japan, attend lectures and so on.
German, Switzerland, UK, and Mexican nationalities can extend their Temporary Visitors Visa once in Japan, at Immigration Bureau, so that they can get maximum 180 days Temporary Visitors Visa.
The other nationalities have to get Temporary Visitors Visa or any visa to enter Japan at your local Japan embassy or consulate. In this case, the length of Temporary Visitors visa will be maximum 90days.

2. College visa / Pre-college Visa
This is for long term (full year) student visa, and the visa length is 6 months to 1 year (depends on schools). Students have to apply for full year course to study more than one year, to apply for this kind of visa.
College / Pre-college visa is for students, so that school has to apply for their Certificate of Eligibility to Japan Immigration first. This is the most important and required document to get visa on their passport.
The Immigration check takes about 3 months, so that the visa application due date is set about 6 months before the course starting date.
With college / Pre-college visa, students can open bank account, work as part-time, buy National insurance and so on, so that if students want to stay in Japan longer than 6 months before the course starting date.

3. Working Holiday Visa
Working holiday program is available for Korea, Germany, France, Australia, New Zealand, and so on. The visa length is 1 year, expect for New Zealand (6 months).
Visa holders are allowed to join Language classes in Japan.

How To Apply Visitors / Working Holiday Visa

Documents to be submitted with Temporary visitor visa applications
The following documents must be:

  1. passport
  2. two photos taken within the previous six months (passport-type)
  3. two official visa application forms, available at the embassy or consulate.
  4. a ticket for boarding an airplane or a vessel to leave Japan, or a written guarantee issued by a transport company.
  5. Documents certifying that the person concerned can defray all expenses incurred during the stay in Japan.

Please remember that the documents listed in the accompanying table are for general cases. In specific cases, applicants may be able to omit some documents, or they may be requested to submit such documents as a letter giving the reason for the invitation or a letter of guarantee from the person in Japan inviting inviting them.

Temporary Visitors Visa Exempt Nationalities list

Citizens of following countries listed and regions holding valid passports can apply for landing permission for short term stays without obtaining a visa.
However, cases involving paid activities in Japan are excluded.


  • Singapore (3months or less)
  • Brunei (14days or less)
  • Hong Kong / Korea / Taiwan / Macau (90days or less)

North America

  • Canada (3months or less)
  • U.S.A (90days or less)

Latin America and Caribbean

  • Mexico (6months or less)
  • Argentina / Bahamas / Chile / Costa Rica / Dominican Rep / El Salvador / Guatemala / Honduras / Suriname / Uruguay (3months or less)
  • Barbados (90days or less)

Middle East

  • Israel / Turkey (3months or less)


  • Australia / New Zealand (90days or less)


  • Lesotho / Mauritius / Tunisia (3months or less)


  • Austria / Germany / Ireland / Liechtenstein / Switzerland / U.K (6months or less)
  • Belgium / Croatia / Cyprus / Denmark / Finland / France / Greece / Iceland / Italy / Luxembourg / Macedonia / Malta / Netherlands / Norway / Portugal / Macedonia / Malta / Netherlands / Norway / Portugal / San Marino / Slovenia / Spain / Sweden (3months or less)
  • Andorra / Bulgaria Czech Rep / Estonia / Hungary / Latvia / Lithuania / Monaco / Poland / Slovakia (90 days or less)

Working Holiday

Based on bilateral agreements, working holiday programs permit young people (between 18 and 30 years of age) from the countries concerned who are visiting a partner country on vacation to engage in work there so as to supplement their funds to travel and stay in that country, thereby providing them with an opportunity to get to know that country’s culture and general lifestyle. At present Japan has such working holiday agreements with eight countries : Australia, Canada, France, Germany, U.K, Ireland, New Zealand, and the Republic of Korea.

All application documents must be submitted to the nearest Embassy or onsulate-General of Japan in the applicant’s country of residence. The applicant must apply for a visa in person. Applications submitted by agents or group will not be accepted. There is no charge for a Working Holiday Visa.

How To Apply For a College Visa / Pre-College Visa

There are two certification of eligibility for studying in Japan, which are called College student status and Pre-college student status. Certification of eligibility will be decided by the course or school you are going to enter.
College school/course provide college student status of residence visa
Vocational school, college, undergraduate course or graduate school of university, and preparing course in Japanese language school
Pre-College school/course provide precollege student status of residence visa
Japanese language schools or courses not mentioned above Even in the same language school, students in preparing course are in the status of college school while students outside preparing course are in the status of precollege school.

Enrollment Procedures
● Step 1. Enrollment Inquiry – Please feel free to make inquiries.
● Step 2. DK and your school reviews your documents – upon acceptance of application documents, We apply to the Immigration .
● Step 3. Eligibility is confirmed (sending you a Certificate of Eligibility) – Immigration Authorities advises us of your eligibility- we inform you the result. DK sends you the all the necessary documents for obtaining a visa.
● Step 4. You go to a Japanese Embassy for an interview to obtain a visa
● Step 5. Enter Japan – You should enter Japan about a week before the course begins.
● Step 6. Orientation – Your school has school orientation one day before the course begins.
● Step 7. Class Sessions Begin – Finally your class starts. Please enjoy studying Japanese!!

School Info – ISI Language School

【In English】
ISI language school of 1 minute on foot from station of “Shin-Okubo”. A present number of students is about 300 people. The number of people of one class is 15 people.

The level division of the class is divided from the beginner to the advance in detail at eight levels, and the enterprise in going on to school or Japan from the study of a Japanese basic level to the university and the graduate school in Japan etc. respond to a level Japanese that can be found employment widely. Four skills of “Speak”, “Listen”, “Read”, and “Write” are often improved in the balances, and a Japanese culture, a custom, and a Japanese situation, etc. will be able also to study in the inside and outside of the class while studying the word at the same time.


Selection Fee 21,000
Enrolment Fee 52,500
Tuition Fee 630,000(for 1years)*half year is 1/2
Facility Fee 31,500

Nationality Mix:
China 20% / Korea 20% / Sweden 20% / Indonesia 10% / Singapore 5% / Spain 5% / Others 20%

【In Japanese】
留学生が多く集まる街「新大久保」の駅から徒歩1分と抜群のロケーションにある ISIランゲージスクール 。現在の生徒数は300名ほど。学生の国籍はヨーロッパ25%、韓国・中国が20%、インドネシア10%、その他25%。1クラスの人数は15人。クラスのレベル分けを、ビギナーからアドバンスまで8レベルに細かく分けており、日本語の基礎レベルの学習から日本の大学や大学院への進学、または日本の企業などに就職が可能な日本語のレベルまで幅広く対応しています。「話す」・「聴く」・「読む」・「書く」の4つの技能をバランスよく向上させ、同時に日本文化や習慣、日本情勢なども言葉を学びながら授業内外で学習することができるでしょう。



授業時間: 午前クラス / 月~金、8:50am~12:40pm、午後クラス / 月~金、1pm~16:50pm
入学日: 1月・4月・7月・10月
学費: 検定料21,000円、入学金52,500円、授業料630,000円(1年間)、教材費31,5000円、合計735,000円(1年の場合)


授業時間: 午前クラス / 月~金、8:50am~12:40pm、午後クラス / 月~金、1pm~4:50pm
入学日: 1月・4月・7月・10月
学費: 189,000円(12週間)、134,400円(8週間)、教材費7,875円(12週間)、6,300円(8週間)

School Info – Kai Japanese Language School

【In English】
There is a school from the station in Shin-Okubo around the station in lining of the shop at 5 minutes on foot. A present number of students is about 200 people. The number of people of one class is 15 people.

The class curriculum of this school is a class of “Conversation” center. The one original as for the text is used. Finding employment and the work the student it, and going on to school that wants to learn not only reading and writing but also “Conversation that can be used” but after it returns home are popular among the student of advantage. Moreover, it takes care with the nationality ratio of students, and there are a lot of especially European students.
In the school, it overflows with ..multinational.. student in vigor. The joining to organization IALC that does the quality control of a language school all over the world, and the feature are to be able to commute at ease.


Visa application Fee 20,000
Enrolment Fee 10,000
Tuition Fee 400,000(for half years)
Text book not included

Nationality Mix:
Europe 50% / Korea 30% / Others (South America, Taiwan) 20%

【In Japanese】
留学生が多く集まる街「新大久保」にキャンパスを構える日本語学校 カイ日本語スクール 。新大久保の駅から徒歩5分、商店が立ち並ぶ駅前通りに学校があります。現在の生徒数は200名ほど。学生の国籍はヨーロッパ50%、韓国30%、その他(南米・台湾など)20%。1クラスの人数は15人。この学校の授業カリキュラムは「会話」中心の授業であり、テキストもオリジナルのものを使用。読み書きだけでなく「使える会話」を学びたい学生、進学ではなく帰国後の就職や仕事を有利にしたい!!という学生に人気です。また、生徒の国籍比率にも気を使っていて、特にヨーロッパ系の学生が多く、学校内は多国籍な学生で活気にあふれています。世界中の語学学校の品質管理を行っている機関 IALC にも加盟しており、安心して通うことができることも特徴です。通常用意されているコースの他に、7月は夏休みを利用して3週間の集中コースが開かれます。授業時間も少なめなので、プチ日本留学にいかがでしょうか!?



授業時間: 午前クラス / 月~金、9am~12:50pm、午後クラス / 月~金、13:20pm~17:10pm
入学日: 1月・4月・7月・10月


授業時間: 月~金、1pm~4pm or 4:30pm~7:30pm、入学日: 毎月1回
学費: 60,000(3週間)、80,000円(4週間) *授業料は教材費を含みます。


1. 初心者向け文法・会話コース
授業時間: 月~金、10am~12:50pm、学費: 授業料69,000円(教材費込み)
2. ビジネス日本語コミュニケーション
授業時間: 月~金、9am~12:50pm、学費:授業料157,500円(教材費込み)

School Info – Yu Language Academy

【In japanese】
東京都心部、留学生が多く集まる街「新大久保」にキャンパスを構える日本語学校 友ランゲージアカデミー 。新大久保の駅から徒歩10分、駅前とは違い閑静な住宅街に学校があります。現在の生徒数は70名ほど。学生の国籍は韓国40%、台湾40%、その他(ヨーロッパ・メキシコ)20%。この学校の売りは、レベルの高い授業・徹底した出席・成績管理であり、しっかり勉強したい人にオススメ。その実績は、昨年度の日本語能力試験で41名が受験し、37名が希望の級に合格しました。また、通常用意されている1年6か月の進学コース・3か月の短期コースの他に7 月は夏休みを利用して1か月の遊学コースが開かれます。毎日の授業はもちろん、軽井沢への旅行や、日本文化に触れるためのアクティビティーに参加できます!!




授業時間: 月~金、9am~12:55pm、入学日: 4月 or 10月
学費: 入学金50,000円、授業料828,000円、副教材費24,750円 、施設費36,000円、合計938,750円(1年6ヶ月)


授業時間: 月~金、9am~12:55pm、入学日: 1月、4月、7月、10月
入学条件: 日本語学習時間300時間以上(日本語能力試験3級程度)
学費: 150,000円(3か月)


授業時間: 月~金、1:30pm~5pm、入学日: 7月9日
学費: 入学金25,000円、授業料40,000円(教材費込)、課外活動費85,000円(日本文化体験・軽井沢旅行・その他観光を含む)、合計150,000円(1年6か月)

If you have some question, please don’t’ hesitate to contact DK Tokyo Office !!

DK Science & Leaning Tokyo Office
Adress: 1001 Toward Senju Bldg, 3-6 Senju, Adachi, Tokyo, Japan 120-0034
Phone: (81)3-3881-0311
FAX: (81)3-6410-4774
e-mail: info@dktokyo.com

DK Tokyo Web: http://www.dktokyo.com
DK Sydney Web: http://www.dksydney.com.au/

その他のオーストラリア留学・ワーホリの準備 完璧ガイド






  • カウンセリングをしっかりやってもらいたい
  • 留学/ワーホリ先の候補地の一つとして、シドニーを考えている
  • 専門学校(TAFE)で学び、キャリアアップ/キャリアチェンジにつなげたい
  • 学費の安い学校を探したい
  • インターンなど、英語プラスαの留学・ワーホリをしたい
  • 余分なサービスはいらないから、最小限の費用で留学・ワーホリしたい




  • tafe
  • university of techology sydney
  • unsw
  • macquarie university
  • cquniversity australia