健康診断の受診場所の名前が2月1日より HSA (Health Service Australia) から Medibank Health Solutions に変更になっています。ちなみに City そば、Central 駅近くの以下の受診場所は、住所に変更はありません。
Level 5, 136 Chalmers Street, Surry Hills, NSW 2010 TEL 02 8396 0600
On Monday, 1 February 2010, Health Services Australia (HSA) changed its name to Medibank Health Solutions.
All 13 HSA offices around Australia are now known as Medibank Health Solutions and will continue to offer the same immigration services and remain at the same locations with the exception of Parramatta.
Medibank Health Solutions in Parramatta has moved to a new address
The new Parramatta office is located across the road from their previous site and is next to the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) Parramatta Office.
Level 4, 1 Wentworth St, Parramatta, NSW 2150 Australia
p: 02 9806 7333, f: 02 9806 7357
Appointment services and health examination services remain the same.
All telephone numbers remain the same.
Medibank Health Services has provided extra signage in its offices to assist clients. Information pamphlets for clients outlining these changes and listing nearby office locations are available at departmental and MedibankHealth Services office locations.
A new website for Medibank Health Solutions is available.
See: Medibank Health Solutions