オーストラリア移民局 DIAC のサイト What’s new for students に以下の記載があります。4月26日以降に発給される学生ビザには自動的に就業許可が付加されますので、別途に就業許可を申請する必要がなくなります。
● Permission to work arrangements for student visa holders
From 26 April 2008, people granted student visas will automatically receive permission to work with their visa grant. Most student visa holders will no longer need to apply separately in Australia for permission to work.
See: New permission to work arrangements for students
● Visa label-free arrangements for student visa holders
You do not need a visa label in your passport to confirm your immigration status and visa entitlements in Australia. Instead, your visa information is held electronically and can be accessed using the Visa Entitlement Verification Online (VEVO) service.
See: Do I need an Australian visa label?
● Student eVisa form changes – from 26 April 2008
From 26 April 2008 the department will implement changes to the Student eVisa forms for clients applying from outside Australia. The eVisa forms available online will be changed to contain additional questions on Health and Character. To avoid any unnecessary delays in processing your application, you are encouraged to complete all of the additional information when completing your application online.