Character declarations(人物の申告)
公開日:2016.02.13 更新日:2016.03.10
Have you ever(あなたは今までに):
- been convicted of a crime or offence in any country (including any conviction which is now removed from official records)? (犯罪暦がありますか?)
No / Yes
If Yes, please give details (Yes の場合は詳細を入力)
- been charged with any offence that is currently awaiting legal action? (現在、違法行為で告訴されていますか?)
No / Yes
If Yes, please give details (Yes の場合は詳細を入力)
- been acquitted of any criminal offence or other offence on the grounds of mental illness, insanity or unsoundness of mind? (精神上の理由で無罪判決を受けたことがありますか?)
No / Yes
If Yes, please give details (Yes の場合は詳細を入力)
- been removed or deported from any country (including Australia)? (国外退去を命じられたことがありますか?)
No / Yes
If Yes, please give details (Yes の場合は詳細を入力)
- left any country to avoid being removed or deported? (国外退去処分を避けるため自ら出国したことはありますか?)
No / Yes
If Yes, please give details (Yes の場合は詳細を入力)
- been excluded from or asked to leave any country (including Australia)? (入国拒否や国外退去要請を受けたことがありますか?)
No / Yes
If Yes, please give details (Yes の場合は詳細を入力)
- committed, or been involved in the commission of war crimes or crimes against humanity or human rights? (人権に対する(戦争)犯罪に関与したことがありますか?)
No / Yes
If Yes, please give details (Yes の場合は詳細を入力)
- been involved in any activities that would represent a risk to Australian national security? (オーストラリア国家の安全に危害を加えるような活動に関与したことがありますか?)
No / Yes
If Yes, please give details (Yes の場合は詳細を入力)
- had any outstanding debts to the Australian Government or any public authority in Australia? (オーストラリア政府および公的機関に対して負債がありますか?)
No / Yes
If Yes, please give details (Yes の場合は詳細を入力)
- been involved in any activity, or been convicted of any offence, relating to the illegal movement of people to any country (including Australia)? (非合法活動に関連して、違法行為で有罪判決を受けたことがありますか?またそのような活動に関与したことがありますか?)
No / Yes
If Yes, please give details (Yes の場合は詳細を入力)
- served in a military force or state-sponsored or private militia, or
- undergone any military or paramilitary training, or
- been trained in weapons or explosives use (however described),
other than in the course of compulsory national military service?
No / Yes(どちらか選択)
すべての入力内容が正しいことを確認した後に、右下の next をクリック。