Tax Bonus についてよく質問を受けますので、ATO の Tax Bonus を転載しました。ご参考にどうぞ。
なお、2007-08年度の Tax Return を提出し、課税対象所得が$100,000以下の方が対象で、特に手続きをする必要はありません。
また、納めた税金のうち最高$900を払戻すという制度なので、Resident で課税対象所得が $6,000 以下など納税していない場合は払戻しはありません。
If your 2007-08 taxable income was $100,000 or less and you paid tax, you could be eligible to receive a tax bonus payment of up to $900.
The 7.6 million people who lodged their 2007-08 tax return before the end of March 2009 will receive their payment between early April and mid May 2009.
Payments are being made progressively so please be patient, we will pay you automatically if you are eligible.
Because of the large number of payments we’re making, we ask you not to call us about the progress of individual payments until after 16 May 2009.
If you have already lodged your 2007-08 tax return the Tax Office will automatically calculate your eligibility and entitlements and send your payment to you.
We will transfer the payment into the bank account or mail a cheque to the address you nominated in your 2007-08 tax return, unless you or your agent changed your details.
Unless you were granted a deferred lodgment date by the Tax Office prior to 18 February 2009, you must lodge your 2007-08 tax return by 30 June 2009 to be eligible.
You can lodge your return online using e-tax until 31 May 2009, by mail using TaxPack 2008 or through your agent. Please note that e-tax will not be available after 31 May 2009.
The Tax bonus calculator will help you determine your eligibility and estimated payment. You will need your 2007-08 notice of assessment.